Friday, October 9, 2009

For the Love of Literacy


Many a blog I have started, and many a blog I have abandoned. With odds like those, I should be skeptical about my ability to maintain another one. I have hope this time around, however! I believe there will be a vital difference between the writing of this blog and the previous blogs I have tried my hand at: this is a blog about two of my most fierce and enduring passions -- reading and my children! Sharing my love for reading with the children that I love has bred a monster passion that shows no sign of weakening in this lifetime. And that, my friend, is why I have faith that I will be more diligent this time around! I look forward to sharing my successes and slip-ups as I persevere at my attempt to nurture a love of literacy and learning in the brood of toddlers that follow me everywhere I go (including the bathroom, much to my chagrin).

Now, if anyone will actually read it or not is quite another story..... ;o)


Just in case there are people beyond my own little sphere of Mommy-friends who stumble upon this, please allow me a moment to introduce myself. My name is Amy, and I am 26 years old. Wait, is that right? Okay, yeah; I did the math, and I am twenty-six. How sad is that!? I have long believed that the true sign of aging is forgetting your age. Guess I'm there.

I live in Texas with my husband, Philip (or "Phil" -- didn't want you to think I was talking about two different men if I switch back and forth between those names!), who provides for us by breaking his back as a Farrier. For those unfamiliar with that term, has nothing to do with fairies! ;o) He is a blacksmith/horseshoer, and a darned fine one, if I do say so myself! He is a sweet-natured, tender-hearted, old-fashioned, Christ-loving, servant-leader, good 'ole country boy; and he's got all of my heart.

I grew up as the oldest of eight children and my siblings are, each and every one, my best friends. We were homeschooled (I, from 4th grade on) and were blessed to have been provided with books galore to satisfy our cravings for adventures and delight our curious little minds. I began reading at age four, and haven't slowed down since then! Seriously, I'll read the side of a Cheerio box if that is all that is around -- just ask my husband.

There is only one passion that surpasses those for my husband, children, reading, and writing; and that would be Christ! This is important to know, not only to understand who I am as a woman, but also for a future understanding of why I choose (or reject) the literature that I do for my children. In our home, we attempt to have all things -- whether radio, TV, movies, books, magazines, speech, actions, thoughts, etc. -- be Christ-centered, God-honoring, and "excellent and praiseworthy" (Philippians 4:8). This is especially true of what we place before the malleable and absorptive minds of our young children. I hope these values will be evident in the literature we choose and the lessons we learn, but nobody is perfect. Praise God, though, His grace covers all our misgivings!

On a lesser note, some other things I enjoy doing are cooking (especially baking bread!), sewing, knitting, and spending time with family and friends. I despise laundry (especially putting it away!), dirty floors, and grocery shopping. If anyone actually enjoys those things, please contact me immediately to arrange a chore swap!

And that is me in a few paragraphs. Hey, wake up...we're about to get to the fun stuff!


(Attention: names have been changed to protect the identities of the innocent. Okay, the occasionally innocent...but always super cute!)

Abby (4 years old) is our oldest and, thus far, our only girl. She is very-much her Mommy's miniature, from looks to likes to lapses. This often delights me, and even more often scares the living day-lights out of me! She loves to read, draw, sing, learn anything and everything she possibly can, boss around her younger brothers, swing on her swingset, and dress up. She does NOT like it when people do not listen to her or understand her, to be hugged longer than she specifies, or when boys drool on her. Her current favorite book is Madeline, her favorite food is anything she helps Mommy make, and her favorite color is "sparkly purplepinkleish." Yes, she actually said that.

Corbin (2 and 1/2 years old) is our oldest boy and the one who is going to be the death of me. I cannot describe him any better than Louisa May Alcott described her own fictional boy, Tommy Bangs, in Little Men.

"Tommy Bangs was the scapegrace of the school, and the most trying little scapegrace that ever lived. As full of mischief as a monkey, yet so good-hearted that one could not help forgiving his tricks; so scatterbrained that words went by him like the wind, yet so penitent for every misdeed, that it was impossible to keep sober when he vowed tremendous vows of reformation, or proposed all sorts of queer punishments to be inflicted upon himself. Mr. and Mrs. Bhaer lived in a state of preparation for any mishap, from the breaking of Tommy's own neck, to the blowing up of the entire family with gundpowder. Nursey had a particular drawer in which she kept bandages, plasters, and salves for his especial use, for Tommy was always being brought in half-dead; but nothing ever killed him, and he rose from every downfall with redoubled vigor."

Yep. That's my boy, and he has me wrapped around his dirty, scratched up little finger! He likes horses and cowboy hats and cowboy boots and lassos and climbing and playing with his sister and brother. He does NOT like when people don't understand what he is saying, not being allowed to do dangerous things, or sleeping later than 6 a.m. His current favorite book is anything that has a horse in it. His favorite food is a banana. His favorite color is "blue. I a boy; boys like blue."

Daniel (13 months old) is the baby, but only for a few more months! He started out his first nine months just laying around, grinning, and sleeping. He was the laziest, and therefore easiest, baby any mother has ever had! However, at nine months the boy bug bit my lazy baby, and he is now a chubby ball of energy and man-like antics! He, as they all do, brings so much laughter and wonder and joy into our home and continues to capture our hearts as he reveals more and more of his delightful personality to the world! Daniel likes to play "peek-a-boo", swing, hit books while Mommy reads them, hide under Mommy's bed, and chase after his older brother and sister. He does NOT like to be trapped in his play yard, to crawl on tile or concrete, or to be asked to learn how to walk. His favorite book is anything that he can hit and drool on. His favorite food is spaghetti. He has no favorite color, he is only a year old :)

Samuel (due in February '10) is our son in utero :) I can tell you that he seems calm (for now), with more squirming than kicking, and that his playtime is in the evenings after dinner time. The other children are already fighting over him, and Corbin seems especially protective of his unborn brother.  Samuel has NO idea what he is getting into when he joins this crew on the outside!

WHEW! Can you believe you made it through all of that? Okay, maybe you didn't make it through it; maybe you zoned out about two paragraphs in; but I made it through it! I promise you, that will be the longest post you will ever have to muddle through from me! From here on out we are all business: books, books, and more books!

For the love of literacy, let's read to our kids!!

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