Saturday, October 31, 2009

Library Bag

I realized that I had forgotten one important suggestion for having successful library trips with lots of little ones around and wanted to make a quick note about it.

I have heard several people comment that they can't check out library books because their kids lose or damage them. Our solution for this is our library bag. We have a large bag that is used only for library books, and that is where the books "live" when we aren't reading them. The kids are allowed to take one book out at a time and read it on their own, as long as they are gentle with it and put it right back when they are finished. Also, a child is not allowed to handle a library book until they have proven with their own books that they are responsible enough to do so. If they are still tearing up or mistreating their own books, they do not have the privelege of reading a library book without a parent helping. Not only does this keep the library books safe, but it motivates the kids to learn how to properly handle all books. So far we have yet to lose or damage a single library book!

This library bag always goes with us to the library (once the old books are returned, the bag hangs on the stroller for me to put our new books in as we find them) and then stays by Mommy's reading chair to ensure that it doesn't get lost in the mayhem of toddlerdom! The bag doesn't have to be expensive or pretty, just big and sturdy enough to handle a lot of books. I think I bought mine one summer at Walgreen's for $5!

Alright, well I just wanted to mention that before I forgot. We're off to take Daddy lunch and then come home to play outside in the beautiful Autumn weather.  Have a great Friday and a blessed weekend!

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