Monday, August 9, 2010

This Year's Curriculum

As promised earlier, I'd like to list out for you each child's curriculum.  I will list them out by which child they belong to (even though I mentioned that there tends to be a lot of lesson sharing!), what the subject is, and how often we do it each week.  Also, if a book is part of the Little Hearts for His Glory or Little Hands to Heaven curriculum, I will put (HOD) - for Heart of Dakota - next to it.  Anything without (HOD) means that it is a supplement that I have chosen to add on to their lessons.  I will include links to where to purchase each book so that I don't have to type out each author/publisher.

Sooooo much good stuff here, I am very happy with our curriculum for the year!

(And, while I will mention the reading we are doing as a part of our curriculum, I will save this year's library book list for later.  That post will take awhile. =)

Abby (turning 5 at the end of August; an emerging reader and writer):
Core Curriculum (5 days/wk) - Little Hearts for His Glory (HOD)
Phonics (5 days/wk) - The Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading
Math (5 days/wk) - Math-U-See Alpha
Handwriting (2 days/wk) - D'Nealian handwriting
Bible Memory Verse (5 days/week, 1 verse per week) - (HOD)
Bible Reader (3 days/wk) - My Father's World Bible Reader 
Geography (1 day/wk) - Geography and Map Activities
Home Economics (1 day/wk) -  Lessons in Responsibility for Girls
Grammar (4 days/wk) -  First Language Lessons for the Well-Trained Mind
Science: Our Father's World (HOD), science journal
Art/Art Appreciation (2 days/wk) - Come Look With Me, art journal
Latin (1 day/wk) - Songschool Latin
Bible Devotions - Devotion's for the Children's Hour (HOD)
Thinking Skills and Basic Skill Mastery (3 days/wk) - Finding the Answers (HOD), Do It Carefully (HOD)
History (5 days/wk) - History for Little Pilgrims (HOD), History Stories for Children (HOD)
Music/Music Appreciation (1 day/wk) - Hide 'Em In Your Heart (HOD), various Classical pieces, Music for Little Mozarts
Literature (5 days/wk) - Thornton Burgess' Animals Stories (HOD), Little Women, various library books

(I know that looks like a LOT for a little girl who isn't even five yet, but you have to understand that A) since not all books are done every day of the week, it actually doesn't take but an hour or two to finish everything each day, and B) Abby is a very advanced and self-driven kiddo ... she would be bored to tears with anything less!)

Corbin (age 3.5) and Daniel (turning 2 at the end of August):
Core Curriculum (5 days/wk) - Little Hands to Heaven (HOD)
Phonics (5 days/wk) -  Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons
Science (1 day/wk) - science journal
Literature (5 days/wk) - various library books, Black Beauty
Bible (5 days/wk) - The New Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes  (HOD)
Bible Devotions - My ABC Bible Verses (HOD)
Music (5 days/wk) - The Singing Bible (HOD)

Daniel and Samuel (5.5 months):
Weekly activity (one developmental activity repeated every day for a week) - Slow and Steady, Get Me Ready
Reading (5 days/wk) - whatever library books, board books, or literature of the older children's they show interest in!

Okay, my children need my attention.  I just found one playing with my cell phone, one drooling on my carpet because he is teething, and one hiding with a bag of skittles he had stolen from the pantry!  Better go reestablish order to our world! =)

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